This isn't your normal black tea, this is high quality, premium Chinese black tea! Right off the bat, you're hit with a sweet starchy smell of sweet potato or jackfruit. Flavor notes are that of a sweet potato, covered in caramel and honey and a touch of minerality, with the sensation of warming you from the inside out. It's a very sweet black tea with a balancing astringency. The tea itself if made and feels almost like a Wuyi Oolong hybrid. It has a very silky thin texture and quickly fills your mouth with its complex flavors.
This was picked in Spring of 2021, over 6500 feet high near the summit of AiLao Mountain, with a particularly unique style, blending oolong, puer, and black tea making ways, this is truly a rare find!
This was picked in Spring of 2021, over 6500 feet high near the summit of AiLao Mountain, with a particularly unique style, blending oolong, puer, and black tea making ways, this is truly a rare find!