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2011 Haiwan Aged Ripe Puer 5g Bricks

2011 Haiwan Aged Ripe Puer 5g Bricks

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These mini bricks are surprisingly smooth, rich, balanced, sweet, with clean characteristics for a Shou Puer! They are lightly compressed so they will just melt apart within a couple of infusions, no need to break these apart! It makes a rich dark burgundy that doesn't fade for several brews. Taste notes of raw hazelnut, wood, and bark.

Brewing Guide:
1. You can either break apart or leave the brick as is in the teapot.
2. Use one brick for up to 200ml teapot, don't fill it up all the way or use smaller teapot if you'd like stronger/more infusions.
3. Use just under boiling water, 208° or so, and do a quick rinse and dump.
4. Flashbrew for about 10-15 seconds, and repeat several times until you notice it getting lighter(probably around 7 or 8 times in).
5. Add 5-10 seconds per brew until you use up the tea completely.